Guide Rails - Exceptional Engineering!
Jade Elevator manufactures customized guide rails – cold drawn, machined and high precision – to suit different elevator columns and offers uninterrupted elevator experience. Our exceptionally innovative guide rails ensure you live through safe-and-smart mobility every time you step into an elevator.

A smooth to and fro Journey
Guide Rails determine an elevator’s performance. Our range of well-designed guide rails is a symbol of superior quality and extraordinary engineering.

Cold Drawn Guide Rails
The dynamic Jade Elevator Cold Drawn Guide Rails is made with utmost care and decades of innovation expertise.
It is specifically made for environments that demand reasonably less speed and less pressures.
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Machine Guide Rail
Jade Elevators Machined Guide Rails are exclusively made for 100% automatic functioning with seamlessly straight surface.
It gives a swift ride in high speed and heavy duty elevators.
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High Precision Guide Rail
Designed with great precision, Jade Elevator High Precision Guide Rails is a result of perfect geometry, urban engineering and technical excellence.
It offers maximum safety in the environment of high pressures and high speed.
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